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Upgrading Exilibrium

To update Exilibrium, download the new version and install it. There is no need to uninstall the previous version or carry out any other procedures. When you launch the updated version, your existing wallets and accounts will be available.

Upgrading steps

  1. Download the latest version from or by clicking on the Update Available button in the upper right-hand corner of Exilibrium.

    Click on the link for your favourite flavor and download the installer.

    Security Tip

    We recommend you also verify that your download hash matches the hash in the ExchangeCoin releases manifest. For detailed instructions, read about Verifying Binaries.

    You will need to visit the Release Binaries page to download the manifest and manifest signature:

    exilibrium-v{{ exilibriumversion }}-manifest.txt

    exilibrium-v{{ exilibriumversion }}-manifest.txt.asc

  2. Close your current version of Exilibrium (if open) and click on the downloaded installer. Follow the installation instructions as you would for any other program.

  3. Open Exilibrium. Note that when upgrading, Exilibrium may need to perform a one-time reindexing operation. This can take several minutes to an hour depending on your hardware.