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CLI Installation guide

Last updated for CLI release v1.7.2.

exccinstall makes it easy to install ExchangeCoin Command Line Interface (CLI) tools on a single machine. Everything is automatically configured to work right out of the box. This includes exccd, exccwallet, exccctl.

exccinstall is a tool that automates the installation and upgrading process for ExchangeCoin software. The latest version of exccinstall can be downloaded from here.: Binaries are provided for Windows, macOS, Linux, and BSD.

By running exccinstall, users can automatically download the precompiled and signed binary package available on GitHub. The tool also verifies the signature of the package, copies the binaries to a designated folder based on the operating system, creates configuration files with settings to facilitate communication between the three applications, and guides users through the wallet creation process. Upon completion of exccinstall, users can launch the software without any further configuration required.

Looking for a more advanced setup?

If you are interested in advanced configurations or Solo PoS Voting, consider reading the Solo Voting guide.

If you are interested in networking between multiple devices, consider reading the Secure Cold Wallet guide.

  1. Download the correct file for your computer:

    Architecture Filename
    64-bit excc-darwin-amd64-v1.7.2.tar.gz
    M1 Chip excc-darwin-arm64-v1.7.2.tar.gz
  2. For your security, verify that your download hash matches the hash in the ExchangeCoin releases manifest. For detailed instructions, read about Verifying Binaries.

  3. Navigate to download location and extract the .tar.gz file:

    Finder: simply double click on the .tar.gz file.

    Terminal: use the tar -xvzf filename.tar.gz command.

    Both of these should extract the .tar.gz file into a folder that shares the same name. (e.g. tar -xvzf excc-darwin-amd64-v1.7.2.tar.gz should extract to excc-darwin-amd64-v1.7.2).

  4. Make the downloaded file an executable within your terminal and run it:

    To run exccinstall, navigate to the directory where the exccinstall file was downloaded using the cd command. Then, set the u+x mode on the exccinstall file using the chmod command. Finally, execute the exccinstall executable that is created. Here is an example of the commands:

    cd ~/Downloads/

    chmod u+x exccinstall-darwin-amd64-v1.7.2


  5. The executable binaries for exccd, exccwallet, and exccctl can now be found in the ~/excc/ directory. Before the exccinstall process completes, you will be taken to the wallet creation prompt. Follow the steps within the Wallet Creation Walkthrough of the exccwallet Setup guide to finish.

  1. Download the correct file for your computer:

    Architecture Filename
    32-bit excc-linux-386-v1.7.2.tar.gz
    64-bit excc-linux-amd64-v1.7.2.tar.gz
    32-bit ARM excc-linux-arm-v1.7.2.tar.gz
    64-bit ARM excc-linux-arm64-v1.7.2.tar.gz
  2. For your security, verify that your download hash matches the hash in the ExchangeCoin releases manifest. For detailed instructions, read about Verifying Binaries.

  3. Navigate to download location and extract the .tar.gz file:

    Ubuntu File Browser: simply right click on the .tar.gz file and select “Extract Here”.

    Terminal: use the tar -xvzf filename.tar.gz command.

    Both of these should extract the .tar.gz file into a folder that shares the same name. (e.g. tar -xvzf excc-linux-amd64-v1.7.2.tar.gz should extract to excc-linux-amd64-v1.7.2).

  4. Make the downloaded file an executable within your terminal and run it:

    To install the ExchangeCoin software using the exccinstall file, first navigate to the directory where the file was downloaded using the cd command. Then, grant execute permission to the file using the chmod command with the u+x option. Finally, run the exccinstall executable file that is created. Here is an example of the commands you can use (make sure to adjust the directories and filenames as needed):

    cd ~/Downloads/

    chmod u+x exccinstall-linux-amd64-v1.7.2


  5. The binaries for exccd, exccwallet, and exccctl can now be found in the ~/excc/ directory. Before the exccinstall process completes, you will be taken to the wallet creation prompt. Follow the steps within the Wallet Creation Walkthrough of the exccwallet Setup guide to finish.

  1. Download the correct file for your computer:

    Architecture Filename
  2. For your security, verify that your download hash matches the hash in the ExchangeCoin releases manifest. For detailed instructions, read about Verifying Binaries.

  3. Navigate to download location and extract the .zip file:

    Right click on the .zip file, select “Extract All…” and a prompt should open asking for the directory to use. The default will extract the .zip to a folder with the same name.

  4. Run the exccinstall executable file. You can either double click it or run it from the Command Prompt.

  5. The binaries for exccd, exccwallet, and exccctl can now be found in the %HOMEPATH%\excc\ directory (usually %HOMEPATH% is C:\Users\<username>\). Before the exccinstall process completes, you will be taken to the wallet creation prompt. Follow the steps within the Wallet Creation Walkthrough of the exccwallet Setup guide to finish.

  1. Download the correct file for your computer:

    Architecture Filename
    FreeBSD amd64 excc-freebsd-amd64-v1.7.2.tar.gz
    OpenBSD amd64 excc-openbsd-amd64-v1.7.2.tar.gz
  2. For your security, verify that your download hash matches the hash in the ExchangeCoin releases manifest. For detailed instructions, read about Verifying Binaries.

  3. Navigate to download location and extract the .tar.gz file:

    Terminal: use the tar -xvzf filename.tar.gz command.

    The .tar.gz file will be extracted into a folder that shares the same name. (e.g. tar -xvzf excc-openbsd-amd64-v1.7.2.tar.gz should extract to excc-openbsd-amd64-v1.7.2).

  4. Make the downloaded file an executable within your terminal and run it:

    Navigate to the directory where the exccinstall file was downloaded using the cd command, run chmod with u+x mode on the exccinstall file, and run the executable that is created. Below is an example of the commands (change directories or filename as needed):

    cd ~/Downloads/

    chmod u+x exccinstall-linux-amd64-v1.7.2


  5. The binaries for exccd, exccwallet, and exccctl can now be found in the ~/excc/ directory. Before the exccinstall process completes, you will be taken to the wallet creation prompt. Follow the steps within the Wallet Creation Walkthrough of the exccwallet Setup guide to finish.